"Wide To Receive"


These words are transcribed without permission the way they appear in the original edition of the "Maladjusted" album. Additions to the printed lyrics are in darker text while omissions are striken out.

Download something
useful, or useless
because I'm lying here
wide to receive
almost anything
you'd care to give 1
and I don't
get along with myself
and I'm not too keen
on anyone else
Turn on, plug in
then just walk away
unlock, process 2
and then just go
and I've never felt quite so alone
as I do right now
I'm lying here
wide to receive
almost anything
you'd care to leave 3
wide, wide, wide
(repeat last line to fade)


1 When performing this song on the 1997 Maladjusted tour, Morrissey sometimes actually sang "almost anything you'd care to leave".

2 When performing this song on the 1997 Maladjusted tour, Morrissey sometimes actually sang "unlock, success".

3 When performing this song on the 1997 Maladjusted tour, Morrissey sometimes actually sang "almost anything you'd care to give".



In an interview published in Melody Maker in 1992, Morrissey answered the question "It's a love song, isn't it?" with "Yes, it's supposed to be, but I'd never dash out on a limb. It's supposed to be an internet song. You know, lying by your computer waiting for someone to tap into you and finding that nobody is, and hence being wide to receive. How awful, of course, to be wide to receive and finding there's no reason to be."