"All The Lazy Dykes"
(Morrissey/Alain Whyte)


These words are transcribed without permission the way they appear in the "You Are The Quarry" album. Additions to the printed lyrics are in darker text while omissions are striken out.

All the lazy dykes
cross-armed at the Palms
then legs astride their bikes
indigo burns on their arms
One sweet day - an emotional whirl
you will be good to yourself
and you'll come and join the girls
All the lazy dykes
they pity how you live
'just somebody's wife'
you give, and you give and you give
and you give...
give and you give...
One sweet day - an emotional whirl
you will be good to yourself
and you'll come and join the girls
Touch me, squeeze me
hold me too tightly
and when you look at me - 1
you actually see me
and I've never felt so alive
in the whole of my life
in the whole of my life
Free yourself
be yourself
come to the Palms
and see yourself
and at last your life begins
at last your life begins
at last your life begins
at last your life begins


1 In the booklet of the original version of "You Are The Quarry", this line was written down as "and when you talk to me". The error was corrected in the deluxe edition of the album.



Morrissey, in an interview to the Guardian in 2004, was asked about this song: "Trying to get somebody to [come out of the closet] and telling her if she came to join the lazy dykes she'd be one herself. And she needed me to tell her, of course, because she can't come to that conclusion herself. (Interviewer: Doesn't that invite speculation?) No. Andy Williams could have sung that song. It just happens to be me who's singing it."