"The Loop"
(Morrissey/Mark E. Nevin)


This song is only available on albums such as "World Of Morrissey" which don't include lyrics. They are transcribed here as they are heard, without permission.

I just wanna say
I haven't been away
I'm still right here
Where I always was
So one day if you're bored
By all means call me
Because you can do
But only if you want to

I just wanna say
I haven't been away
I'm still right here
Where I always was
So one day when you're bored 1
By all means call me
Because you can do
But you might not get through


1 In live performances of this song Morrissey usually sings "So one day if you're bored" as he does in the first verse. This can be heard on live album "Beethoven Was Deaf".